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Behaviour Modification - Extrinsic Rewards

Do Extrinsic Rewards, sometimes known as' Bribery and Corruption', have a place in schools? Some people think yes and some think no. My personal view is that human beings are greatly motivated by extrinsic rewards. Adults often live for them. See if you can relate to any of these:

pay bonus employee of the month trips prizes various types of promotions

teacher of the year gratitude presents status

What will adults do for these extrinsic rewards? Here are a few examples:

work harder work longer take extra courses to stand out or get qualifications

be punctual achieve better outcomes lift personal and professional presentation

overlook personal differences to work with a group of people to achieve the task

In short my answer is yes. I have seen extrinsic rewards used to develop positive habits, reveal true character (or lack there of) and even teach Maths and English lessons. Here are some of the ways I have used extrinsic rewards.

Earning Money for a Shop

Name: Class Shop

How it works: Children earn money for whatever the teacher is focusing on: improvement in writing, politeness, walking in line, improved attitude, increased volume during oral

presentations, etc. I fine children for lost items or rubbish. This has greatly improved the number of lost uniform items which parents really appreciate. If children are running (speeding) you might want to include a speeding fine.

Resources / Cost:

- Shop from Ikea ($20)

- Make money (I use $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes that I print out and laminate)

- Prizes - this is up to what you are willing to spend, or parents are willing to donate

- Time to go shopping

Pros: Children love it, it works and they can learn so much more through experience.

- Delayed gratification

- The value of money

- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division

- Generousity

- Saving

- Equivalence

- Appreciation

Cons: There are some down sides to this idea. They are manageable and are also opportunities for learning.

- Stealing

- Combining money for the purchase of one item. It only happens once and the children figure out that that is not a good idea.

- Can take a lot of time.

- Is really expensive if you love buying things for your kids.

Using an Avatar on a Map

Name: Treasure Map

How it works: Each child has an avatar and they start at a starting point. On this map it is the little rocky island. The children know the stops along their journey to reach the treasure box. When they get there they can choose something from the Treaure Box and start again. So by looking at the map you will not see who has been really awesome and who has had a struggle as it is fluid. It is up to the child how often they reach the Treasure Box.

Resources / Cost:

- Cardboard

- Treasure Box

- Prizes - this is up to what you are willing to spend, or parents are willing to donate

- Children's photographs

Pros: Children love it, it works and they can learn so much more through experience.

- Individualization

- Children cannot compare each other as everyone is at a different stage on the jouney

- Promotes self assessment and improvement

Cons: There are some down sides to this idea. They are manageable and are also opportunities for learning.

- Be aware of children who may move their avatatr.

- Cost of prizes.

Chance Boxes

Name: Chance Boxes

How it works: I have a boy box and a girls box. I use paper boxes wrapped in nice paper. Whatever I wish to reward I give the children a ticket. They write their name on the ticket and put it in the box. Every now and then the teacher can have a 'Random Prize Draw'. The teacher picks a ticket and gives a prize. The more tickets a child has in the box the more chances they have. At the end of term or whenever the teacher wants to change the behaviour system they draw the major prize (Second and third - whatever the teacher wants).

Resources / Cost:

- 2 boxes

- Tickets

- Prizes - this is up to what you are willing to spend, or parents are willing to donate

Pros: Children love it, it works and they can learn so much more through experience.

- Not everyone gets a prize

- Maths: chance and data

- Resilience

Cons: There are some down sides to this idea. They are manageable and are also opportunities for learning.

- There may be some tears as children grow in character. This has to handled tactfully but is a really valuable learning opportunity.


Name: I C U - I See You

How it works: Teacher chooses one child a week to honor for something. I like to choose the children that are great kids but they feel, or are, overlooked. They get a special certificate and every four weeks those four children get quality time with the teacher. Our school has a cafe and I take them for a milkshake or juice. They bring their morning tea and we talk.

Resources / Cost:

- Certificate

- 4 drinks

Pros: Children love it, it works and they can learn so much more through experience.

- The children who have never been noticed for anything feel seen and appreicated.

- Parents have cried with thanks that someone finally saw some of the specialness that they see in their child.

Cons: The pros far out weigh the cons. A morning tea and four drinks for an experience that could change a persons life.

Decide Now App

Name: Spin the Wheel

How it works: I use this in conjunction with sticker/stamp/hole punch charts. When the chart is complete. The students gets to spin on the Decide Now App. You can program in any choices you wish. It could be used as a Grammar game, Maths Chance and Date, so many uses. So what do I have on my behaviour wheel? I incorparte the 4 of the 5 Love Languages into this program.

- Quality Time: I have a quality time box - morning tea with the teacher - they can also choose a friend to come. We have morning tea in a safe open space at school.

- Gifts: A prize box where children can choose a prize.

- Words of Affirmation: I write a letter to the child's parents telling them several positive qualitites their child has.

- Acts of Service: I do something kind for the student. e.g. tidy their tidy tray.

- Gifts: Choose a chocolate - it will be on their desk in the morning.

- Free computer time.

- Shoes off in class.

Resources / Cost:

- Decide Now App

- Prizes - this is up to what you are willing to spend, or parents are willing to donate

- Time to spend with the children

Pros: Children love it, it works and they can learn so much more through experience.

- It show children you care in a variety of ways and caters for the different love languages of children.

Cons: Not really any cons.

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